Tea Tesnet


A system in which open-source developers could receive rewards commensurate with their contributions would enhance the sustainability and integrity of the software supply chain. A decentralized protocol secured by reputation and incentives could accomplish this by facilitating value accrual back to the developers that maintain open-source codebases as a public utility, thus promoting future innovation and growth within the open-source ecosystem. Package maintainers will register their projects with a registry powered by a Byzantine fault-tolerant blockchain. The tea Protocol’s unique “Proof of Contribution” algorithm will determine each project’s contribution and impact to the system’s utility and health. Registered projects will receive rewards from the tea Protocol commensurate with their contribution, be secured through staking, benefit from a reputation system that spans projects and contributors, and have the option to allow communities to govern their regions of the open-source ecosystem, independent of external agendas. The tea Protocol will incentivize the maintenance of open-source by allowing network participants who registered their projects and comply with the rules of the network to receive rewards and contribute to their reputation and their projects’. If security or development issues are found, developers can make claims supported by evidence against the package, and slashing may occur. Members of the open-source community can review packages for quality issues, and the protocol can respond to these reviews by enacting proportional slashing events.

Tea Already confirm Airdrop for their early user and supporter , here is how you can get their drop :

  •  Open Link : https://app.tea.xyz
  •  Login With your google account
  •  Connect Github
  •  Create Username
  •  Submit
  •  Done, complete all tasks

Update :

  •  Go to https://app.tea.xyz/my-projects
  • ️ Click “Register a New OSS Project”
  • ️ Find a project
  • ️ Choose a project
  • ️ Click “Next Step”
  • ️ Click “Manual Registration”
  • ️ Click “Continue”
  • ️ Click “Copy to Clipboard”
  • ️ Go to https://github.com/new
  • ️ Login to your Github account
  • ️ Create new repository
  • ️ Enter name and description
  • ️ Checklist
  •  on “Add a Readme File”
  • ️ Click “Create Repository”
  • ️ Click “Add File” and click create new file
  • ️ Paste file from copy clipboard before
  • ️ Enter name your file
  • ️ Click “Commit Change”
  • ️ Done, wait for approval